Trophies and Awards

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Trophies and Awards represents the esence of the company brand LEONTE & CO

Trophies and Awards is not only a range of products dedicated to certain events, but also,
personalized objects, charged with significance and sentimental value.
We are, probably, the greatest distributor of trophies, cups, medals and awards in Romania. We say probably, because a situation where one of our clients aquiered a product through our colaborators are an integrant part of the brand of "Trophies and Awards".
The activity of "Leonte & Co." started in 1992. Back then it was all about the export of ribbons for medals, after that cords for medals, tags, signs and later printed ribbons, plush boxes and banners . The companies that we delivered to, were in U.S.A and Western Europe.
Even from the beginning we seeked to colaborate with the biggest providers of trophies and awards, concerning assembled products or parts. Starting with 1994, due to the trust and reliability shown to our clients, they guided us through taking over the distribution of trophies and awards activity in Romania.
The coordinates for the distribution's activity were, even from the beginning, the high quality of products, presenting and distributing new things from the world's market, reasonable prices, but also the ambition to honour all the clients requests even with the price of sacrifices .The identification of new clients, the satisfaction of the olds ones, testing the market through products and ideas, figuring out general and latest trends of the trophies and awards market, represent permanent activities that lead to our success.
Starting with the year 2000 we decided to promote not only the products but also the services. We started with customizing services, mainly mechanized and computerized engraving, then customizing through sand blasting and thermotransfer, we started the assistance and consulting services for picking up products and continued with inventing and making unique products or limited edition trophies series.
The large quantity of products from the trophies and awards domain detemined us to extend our activity, attracting strong colaborators, especially from Romania. This way we succeeded in covering new groups and services, which in the mean time, we added them to export, too. Right now we combine perfectly the distribution of trophies and awards in Romania with the services and the internal production's export. We hope that very soon, we will begin distributing the trophies and awards which are personalized by us.
This is the hystory of LEONTE & CO brand - Trophies and Awards.

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